
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sometimes when people are sad :-(

Sometimes when people are sad, nothing can really bring them back up right away.Not word,not good advise or even the people around them trying to make them happy  can't make them happy just like that. We should never tell someone to just be happy and forget about what's holding them down because we 're not dealing with the pain in their heart. it take time and patience for someone to get back up. it's not that easy...
Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense?
Well that's how I feel right now...
I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile...



Kik0 ♥ QiLaH said...


sedih itu amat bermakna.. :)

::FAIZ:: said...

take care

Siti Hajar said...

patience is the key.

Aween Md Zahir said...

there is someone out there that can make you smile. and always be by ur side so that u wont feel lonely & sad..
cheer up bro :)


Nurul Iman Rosman said...

Sedih itu perlu jugak dlm kehidupan.

Dengan begitu kite akan beryukur dengan kesenangan yang ade ;)

Anonymous said...

sbb tu la ada yg akn menyuruh kamu utk tidak bersedih..spaya kamu sntiasa sedar masih ada yg lain yg mampu buatkn kamu bahagia..mmg kite xmampu elak kesedihan tu..itu lumrah manusia..dikurniakn dgn mcm2 itu la sbnrnye nikmat yg mengajar kite kpada mcm2 perkara..

byk sabar, byk doa, boleh bersedih, tp bkn selamanya..try to find something that could cheer yourself back..don't wait for others to help..your are the one should help your own self..let's get up fren..get through everything with smiles..i'll pray for your happiness..take care.. =)

model pakaian muslim wanita said...

salam kenal dari saya,,sukses yahh dengan postingan nya

LidiaSuraya said...

HAPPINESS will find you... Amin ;)

Syira Rara said...

salam..hai sy baru follow ur blog..n if u dont mind..singgah la blog sy n follow..blh share cerita yea (^_^)

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